South America Lapbook

The last few weeks Geography of this quarter are focused on South America! Sooo… without further ado I present the South America Lapbook!
To make planning easier, the whole lapbook is in one downloadable file, including some instructions for assembly (although the blog shows more detailed pictures). You can print it all out ahead of time and complete each section as you come to it, or assemble the lapbook at the end of the quarter as review. You choose the best way to use these lapbooks in your school!
South America Lapbook Printables
(Download and save to your computer before printing for the best results. To print accurately 2-sided, make sure you click “actual” in size options and not “fit” in printing options if you use Adobe Acrobat.)
Here’s a picture of the completed lapbook:
My usual Note about the Lapbooks:
Lapbooks can be a fun and interactive way for students to learn- lots of teachers both in and out of the school system are using them these days. And they are a fun way to review material you’ve already covered. Don’t feel pressured to make your lapbook look exactly like the pictures. The most important thing is that your students are learning and having fun! If they want to put pieces in different places, color it differently or make their own additions, go for it! Lastly, if you have several students, you can either let them each make their own (if they can cut and glue by themselves) OR you can make one lapbook as a family.
Supplies you’ll need for this lapbook:
- A file folder (any color will do)
- Cardstock and white paper to print inserts on
- Glue stick or two sided tape
- Crayons/coloring pencils
Print pages 2-9 two sided (flip on the long side of the paper) on cardstock.
Print the map and cover (pages 10-11) one sided on regular paper. Laminate the map if desired.
Week 10
Fold your file folder inward to make a lapbook.
Glue or tape the map to the middle section of the lapbook. You can laminate it first if you want a wipe-clean activity of labeling for your students.
Print the features flaps, cut out and fold on their lines of symmetry.
Arrange them in the middle section of your lapbook around the map. Here’s one way to do it, but remember to let your students have a little freedom in arrangement, they’ll have more fun that way. Take turns reading the insides of the flaps and discussing which feature you would visit if you could. They could also color the fronts of these since they are pretty white!
Weeks 11 and 12
Cut out around your country match books, and fold on the dotted lines to make match books. Your students can add any additional information to these that they wish. Add interesting animals, plants, patron saints, landmarks, or anything else they want.
Glue these to the insides of the two flaps of your lapbook. You could glue all of the Week 11 countries on one side, and all the Week 12 countries on the other side if you wish.
Here it is again finished:
And with some flaps opened:
Print the cover and attach to the fronts of the flaps. I like to either glue the cover to one side and cut along the edge as a guide, or you could lay the flap on top of the cover and use a pencil to draw where to cut. Either way, it looks pretty snazzy with a Catholic Schoolhouse cover!
Make it fit into your 3-ring binder next! Run some packing tape or duct tape along the left side of the lapbook, and fold it over so it sticks to itself partway and to the lapbook part way. Then hole punch with your 3 hole puncher. The pictures below show how to do this on the Botany Lapbook, but the procedure is the same!
I hope your students enjoyed making this lapbook. Make sure you keep these accessible all year- they are great for reviewing. They’re also great for looking at in the car- on the way to program meetings, road trips to visit family- anywhere really. Keep a couple handy in the car for educational entertainment!
Thanks for being here!
Hi there, my son is enjoying this lapbook–thank you! We’ve notice that the maps of Peru, Argentina, and Chile are all the same. Is this a mistake?
God bless,
Oh dear! I fixed it and uploaded a new file. Sorry about that!