Catholic Schoolhouse Tour 3: Week 13
Welcome back! After Christmas, it can be hard to jump back into school. I hope this post keeps school fun and gets you back into the ‘groove.’ Here’s something funny that goes with the History Timeline this week- do your kids ever use the wrong tone with you?
Get started on your Saint Therese Fun Pack this week!
- I have a pretty coloring page of Saint Therese over at Drawn2BCreative.
- And if you just want tons of coloring, or to just focus on one Corporal Work of Mercy, I have a coloring page for each one on my Drawn2BCreative free printables page.
- The best way to learn the Corporal works of Mercy is to do them. Choose one (or more) to do this week. Here are a few ideas to help you plan (don’t try to do them all this week- pick one or two to try!)
- Feed the hungry– volunteer in a soup kitchen, donate some food to a food bank, or make some blessing bags to have handy when you drive around town
- Give drink to the thirsty– put some water bottles in your car to hand out when you see someone in need, donate to BloodWater Missions (they provide ways to get clean water in African communities- geography and religion)
- Clothe the Naked– donate clothes that you can no longer use, or go buy some new clothes to donate
- Visit the imprisoned– I wouldn’t necessarily go to a prison with little kids, but there are ways to support this ministry. Many parish priests visit prisons, find out if you can provide Bible,s books, magazines, or other care-package type items for them to bring to the prisoners. Some parishes bake cookies to bring to prisons.
- Shelter the homeless– help out at a shelter, donate items to a shelter like sheets, blankets or other needed items, help in a Habitat for Humanity project
- Visit the Sick– visit a friend who isn’t feeling great (as long as it’s not too contagious) and bring them a meal, kleenex, soup, or just a card with flowers. Visit a nursing home and play some games with the people there. Make a care package for a mom who just had a baby.
- Bury the dead– Pray for the departed members of your family. Visit a graveyard and help clean it up. Choose a person in the graveyard to pray for, even if you don’t know them.
- Here are some free printable worksheets to practice finding the mean.
- If you meet in a program, have your students all write down their ages or heights. Use this data to find the mean!
Language Arts
- Check out the T1 W13 and the T2 W13 posts for some ideas on reinforcing the memory work on sentences this week!
- Here is a link to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture on youtube, with canons!
- Listen to our featured song either on your CD or youtube above and fill out a Music Notebooking Page
- The featured art for the next 3 weeks, The Angelus, is a great reason to pray the Angelus with your students this week. Set an alarm for noon, ring a bell to call everyone’s attention, and then pray the Angelus.
- Print this week’s Classical Roots Flash Cards.
Classical Roots Flash Cards Week 13
- You can read more about Catherine the Great at Kids Brittanica here.
- This week we look at both the French Revolution and the American Declaration of Independence. Have your students read both the Declaration of the Rights of Men (from the French Revolution) and the American Declaration of Independence. Make a Venn Diagram to show the similarities and differences between the two documents. Your older students could write an essay comparing and contrasting the entire documents.
- The French Revolution might be a little over the heads of your younger students. You could simplify this History topic by just defining what a revolution is to your youngest ones.
- James Cook is on the history timeline today, map his routes on your big wall maps!
- Learn about scurvy this week, and then eat citrus fruits or drink lemonade and talk about how important vitamins are! I thought this was a pretty interesting article about Cook and scurvy, maybe just for you mom, or older students to read.
- Make a cardboard box into a sailboat today and try to ‘discover’ the northwest passage. Decorate your boat, make a sail, and narrate what you see (lots of ice?), how you feel (“brrrr”), and what you might be doing to help navigate the ship.
- If there was anything you didn’t have a chance to do in quarter 2 when the featured artist was Mozart, now is your chance. Read from Opal Wheeler’s Mozart, The Wonder Boy, or do some of the fun ideas from
- Check out this 15min video about the Declaration of Independence. The beginning is narrated by Morgan Freeman. He gives a brief background of it, and then lots of famous actors read the whole document aloud.
- For your littlest learners, here’s a coloring page of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
- Get started on your Africa Lapbook!
- Print an extra map of Africa (either from the Lapbook or online). Label and draw the rivers from this week’s memory work. Make it extra fun by gluing blue yarn to the map, or adding glitter to your rivers!
- Here’s a free worksheet about gravity for you! And here is one more.
- If you have Netflix, Season 4 Episode 8 is “The Magic School bus Gains Weight” and is all about gravity!
- Have a discussion about gravity this week. In what ways can you use gravity to help you? (Think rolling downhill, pouring water or any drink, sleeping in a bed, etc) In what ways does gravity make things more difficult? (carrying boxes upstairs, ‘dunking’ in basketball, etc). Then talk about how astronauts in space experience what it’s like to have no gravity!
Did you miss Tour 3 Week 12? Check it out.
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