Join a Chapter

Join a Catholic Schoolhouse Chapter

HOMESCHOOLING CREATED BY Homeschoolers for homeschoolers

Are you curious about providing a classical education?

Wondering how to start homeschooling?

Wishing to create an authentically Catholic homeschool?

Catholic Schoolhouse focuses on family unity. All of our programs from pre-grammar through high school continue to be anchored to the memory work topics, allowing your family to stay unified.

Our community options give your family a place to belong.

Catholic. Classical. Accessible. Flexible.

Catholic Schoolhouse is a supplemental program designed to enhance and add accountability to any homeschool style. Catholic Schoolhouse Chapters include weekly classes of sequentially rotating topics over a three-year cycle. Throughout the school day, parents will visit their children’s classes, observing, assisting, and learning along with them. 

Join a CSH Chapter

Chapter Membership includes:
  • Trust in an authentically Catholic program.
  • Family and community togetherness.
  • Unlimited access to the Catholic Schoolhouse sharing and exchange site.
  • Students attend weekly classes of sequentially rotating topics over a three-year cycle. Parents attend, observing, assisting and learning together.
  • All the messies–Hands-on science activities and art projects.
  • Opportunities for chorus, performances, oral presentations, speech and more.
  • Friendships, clubs, and community.
  • Positive peer pressure in a Catholic, classroom environment.
  • In-person chapter is the best way to immerse your family in a loving community sharing Catholic culture.

Registration opens March 15, 2024* for Tour 2 – 2024/2025 school year

Find a Catholic Schoolhouse Chapter local community near you and get involved today!

*Early registration discount ends April 15, 2021. After April 15 normal registration returns.

We need well-educated Catholics, but we also need in them a burning desire and ability to use that education for God. We need students who will impact the world – not by our plan – but by living God’s plan for them! That leads me to the significance of our endeavor. I believe with my whole heart that the significance of homeschooling, and secondarily classically homeschooling, is that we create a place where our children can grow and learn – being taught by parents from a place of rest.

Kathy Rabideau, Catholic Schoolhouse Co-founder and Executive Director

“I love Catholic Schoolhouse because it lets me homeschool MY way!”

– Rebecca, Pennsylvania

Catholic Schoolhouse


Catholic Schoolhouse was founded in 2007 to enhance education in the grammar stage by providing classical memory work for the Catholic homeschool. Going beyond simple memory work, the developers enlisted experts in all areas of study and a wide variety of resources, Catholic and secular, homeschool and non-homeschool to determine what information is typically encountered during the elementary school years (K-8). 

Individual families, chapters and co-ops are able to succeed, bring family unity to teaching, and belong to a greater Catholic community with Catholic Schoolhouse.

Catholic Schoolhouse is loyal to the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.

Homeschool Success through a Classical Approach


... Catholic Schoolhouse covers a lot of subject matter [Memory Work Audio CDs, History Cards, Science, Fine Arts, Math, Language Arts, Geography, and Foreign Language] even though it isn’t your entire curriculum. The Catholic Schoolhouse site has links to a blog with additional activity suggestions that should be very helpful. Their “Now What Do I Do? page” has suggestions for those working on their own. A “Local Chapters” tab lists active Catholic Schoolhouse chapters in which you can enroll. There’s lots of help and support from those already using Catholic Schoolhouse. I expect Catholic Schoolhouse will continue to sprout new chapters as more Catholic homeschoolers discover they have a Catholic option for this type of education.