Pre-Grammar Program
Pre-Grammar Program
Virtue-based program aligns with Catholic Schoolhouse Timeline
Catholic Schoolhouse Pre-Grammar Program has been released in a beta version for homeschool families to use at home. This Program, featuring the Pre-Grammar Teacher Guide and Companion Printables, was designed with the youngest scholars in mind.
Rooted in virtue, your scholars will be exposed to the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic Schoolhouse Program. Catholic Schoolhouse Pre-Grammar prepares them to learn week by week alongside their siblings NOW and sets them up for FUTURE success in the Grammar program.
It’s is made to be flexible. Modular-based, this program allows you to adapt for the ages of your students. At this age, we will not and should not expect mastery. The focus is to be experiential, relaxed, and joyful. Discover activity-based learning activities that are appropriate for your youngest children.
Reinforce visual memory with the use of classroom displays, engage students with Saint Badges, create sensory bins for math, science, and art, and find weekly lessons that follow along with Tour 2 Tour Guide (history, language arts, geography, science, and math).
Lessons and activities correspond with our Tour Guide and Memory Work. Written for small groups, yet very suitable for at-home use, especially with a multi-age family where all can join in together.
After doing group activities that suit your family, expand as you like to other Catholic Schoolhouse activities.
Check out NOW WHAT DO I DO? for additional ideas that can be used with the whole family.
Tour 2 Pre-Grammar
Catholic Schoolhouse Pre-Grammar activities build the foundation for success in the Catholic Schoolhouse Grammar program with a focus on virtues, attention, exploration, and good habits.
Pre-Grammar Teacher Guide provides weekly plans to make daily and weekly planning easy. Pre-Grammar Program follows same 24-week structure as found in the Tour Guide. Lessons follow the Catholic Schoolhouse integrated timeline. Memory Work track numbers included on weekly lesson page for easy reference.
Lists simplify your planning: Quarterly Supply lists, Print lists, Prep Lists, Book Lists, Sensory Bin Lists, and Virtue Teaching Scripts.
Includes an 18-page teacher handbook with methods and tips to help you succeed and become the homeschool teacher you want to be. Spiral-bound on heavy paper for durability and ease of use.
- Morning Meeting (Survey, Sing, Saints, Virtues)
- Listen and Learn (Story, Presentations, Hand Motions)
- Grammar Stations
- Group Activity and Wrap-up
- Science Class introduces student to the quarterly units in the Catholic Schoolhouse Science Guide
- Art Class introduces student to the quarterly units in the Catholic Schoolhouse Art Guide

Pre-Grammar Companion Printables
Catholic Schoolhouse’s Pre-Grammar Teacher Guide Companion Printables provides interactive homeschool group activities for the whole family. This is a downloadable .pdf file containing 67 pages of printables and some activity instructions.
Visit our store to purchase your copies.
Help us make the Pre-Grammar Teacher Guide and Companion Printables Better
Join our Facebook Group (Catholic Schoolhouse Pre-Grammar Beta Community) to share edits, notes, and suggestions for the final version.
Catholic Schoolhouse
Catholic Schoolhouse was founded in 2007 to enhance education in the grammar stage by providing classical memory work for the Catholic homeschool. Going beyond simple memory work, the developers enlisted experts in all areas of study and a wide variety of resources, Catholic and secular, homeschool and non-homeschool to determine what information is typically encountered during the elementary school years (K-8).
Individual families, chapters and co-ops are able to succeed, bring family unity to teaching, and belong to a greater Catholic community with Catholic Schoolhouse.
Catholic Schoolhouse is loyal to the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.