FUN Ways to Display that Memory Work at Home- Picture Post!

I LOVE seeing all the different ways families display the Catholic Schoolhouse Memory Work at home!  Recently several moms in CSH Chapters around the US shared their displays in our private file sharing, chat, forum (and everything else) resource, Basecamp.  I had to share these great displays with you all, so here they are!

This one has the memory work in sheet protectors, that she can just slide out each week and replace with the new ones!

This one is so beautiful (plus I love seeing the lapbooks in action!)

Another option with slide in/out memory work. And how cute are those history card photo holders!?

At the bottom of the map on this one, this mom bought a receipt holder for a restaurant and just slides the history cards up into it each week. It’s a pretty nifty way to keep from damaging/bending them and still displaying them.

If you’re low on wall space, get some of these tri-fold posters from the dollar store and stick them on your memory work in sheet protectors for easy switching out. Close pin your history cards on and you’re done! (Did you notice the memory worksheets from our copywork packets?)

I love the symmetry of this one.

Here’s mine from last year (put to shame by the above haha).

I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did. Are you inspired to make your own awesome CSH Memory Work Display at home? I know I’m motivated now to get my schoolroom in order and get that memory work in front of my kids!

Thank you to all the families who allowed me to share pictures of their homes here! I’m sure it is a blessing to many to see all the fun ways to display the memory work!

God Bless,


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