Catholic Schoolhouse Tour 3: Week 24

It’s the last week of Tour III! You made it here, congrats!
Let’s finish the year with a great quote by Saint John Paul II (who appears in our history timeline this week):

It’s the last week to finish up that Saint Teresa of Calcutta Fun Pack!
Saint Teresa of Calcutta Fun Pack
- Luminous mysteries are this week’s religion memory work. Pray the Rosary this week using the Luminous Mysteries.
- Here are some really pretty Luminous Mysteries Coloring pages. (scroll down and click the link)
- I have a Baptism of the Lord coloring page which is a bit more cartoony than the coloring pages from the link above.
- And a Luminous mysteries notebooking page:
Luminous Rosary Notebooking Page
- Complete that conversion chart for your kitchen this week.
- Make a conversion ‘booklet’ this week.
- Cut out 4 big squares from construction paper (using different colors if you like). On one square, divide it equally into 16 squares; keep drawing a line down the middle of each section until it looks like this, and then label each square “1 Cup”:
- Divide the next square into 8 equal rectangles and label them “1 Pint,” then cut them apart.
- Divide the next square into 4 equal parts and label them “1 Quart” then cut them apart:
- The last square leave whole and label “1 Gallon”

- To assemble place your “1 Cup” page at the bottom. Tape your “1 Pint” sections over the “1 cup” sections along the outside of the paper. (see picture for clarification).

- Then lay your “1-quart” sections over the Pints sections and staple them along the two pints on the right side of the square. Then lay the “1 Gallon” square on top, and staple through all the layers down the left side. It should look like this:

- Now you can see in a gallon are four quarts. In each quart, there are two pints. In each pint, there are two cups! And then see all the different combinations!
Language Arts:
- Check out Tour I Week 24 and Tour II Week 24 for some letter-writing ideas.
- This Tour’s week of history is the most modern history studied in CSH. Have your students write a letter about current events. Your older students can write about real news, your younger students can write about anything important to them (like what they did last weekend). You are basically writing modern history!
- If you have any letters you’ve saved from long ago, pull them out for show and tell. If even you are too young for letters, maybe your parents or grandparents have some letters they’ve saved from their youth. See if these letters have the 3 parts of a letter!
- Use this last week to have fun mixing up music from the whole year. Play a song and see if your students can tell which composer we studied wrote it. Start with the featured works for each quarter, then add on different songs that still exemplify that composer’s style. This is more easily done if you have some classical music CDs at home. But you can use Youtube to do some quick searches too. Here are a few to help you get started:
- Picasso’s work often looks like lots of random shapes that have been arranged to give the idea of a person or object. If you have a little student (like a 3-4-5yr old) let them cut some random shapes out of construction paper of all colors (use up all those weird scraps from this past year!). Then have your older students arrange the shapes and glue them into a picture of a person or object with a cubist style. Add some details with markers or crayons if needed!
I call this “Two musicians” My 3-year-old cut out the paper and I arranged/glued/composed the picture!
- Here’s the last set of Classical Root Flashcards!
- Find Pakistan on your world map this week. Draw an outline around both Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. Then divide it into the current countries to show how that large territory split into what we have now as 3 different countries.
- Here’s a little more information about Pakistan, more from a geography standpoint than history, but still fun to check out.
- Here’s a good description of the Cold War for kids, and there are links down the left side for lesson plans for older students. (I haven’t read everything on this website, there’s so much of it!)
- Build a “Berlin Wall” using some blocks. Then if you have peg dolls, army men, or any other figurines use them to explain the division between the communist east side and the free west side of Berlin. Then have fun knocking down your wall!
- Make a list of all the countries in the European Union. Then find them on your world map.
- This site has a great description of the European Union and a lesson plan for teaching about it.
- Here are more ideas than you have time for learning and celebrating JP II at Catholic Icing.
- And here is a lesson plan about JPII.
- Since this is the last week of Tour III, you could also use this week to review the whole year of history. Play some games with your history cards. Start with just a few, mix them up and let your students place them in the correct order. Keep adding more cards for each round. Can they put all 24 weeks worth of cards in the correct order?
- Print a map of Antarctica and label all the places in this week’s Geography list.
- This website, Teaching Antarctica has tons of ideas for lesson plans. I think the time lapse videos of summer and winter in Antarctica is pretty cool. Choose an activity appropriate for your level of students.
- Keep track of your rest and exercise this week in a journal or chart. Write down how long you each sleep and each exercise. Remember playing outside counts as exercise if you’re scootering, biking, running, etc. (I suppose sitting and drawing with chalk is not really exercise). Make it more experimental by each predicting who does more of each activity before starting. (Like “I predict Mom does the most exercise and baby Lily does the most sleeping”). Then see who is correct at the end of the week.
Did you miss Week 23? Check it out here!