Catholic Schoolhouse Recognizes Truth, Goodness, and Beauty 2023-2024 Achievement
Catholic Schoolhouse is proud to recognize the achievements of our 2023-2024 Truth, Goodness, and Beauty Award achievers for Tour 1.
Catholic Schoolhouse students may earn the Truth, Goodness, and Beauty Awards either in addition to or separately from the Super Scholar Awards.
This three-part award consists of Saints, Music, and Art.
These students excelled in all three areas to earn the Truth, Goodness, and Beauty Award. Congratulations to these dedicated Truth, Goodness, and Beauty Award winners!
Ave Maria, FL Chapter
Emilia Gallego, Lucia Gallego
Lighthouse Point, FL Chapter
Owen B. (15), Alexandra S. (14), Gavin Argento (12), Daniel C. (12), Veronica Heikes (12), Jeremy Och (12), Richie S. (12), Dominic Heikes (10), Theo Argento (9), Agnes Chiara Heikes (5)
West Orlando, FL Chapter
Adriana Cepero (13), Catherine Furlong (13), Dominic Furlong (10), Alexander Furlong (6), Antonio Colorado Ferreira (5)
Atlanta, GA Chapter
Declan Anderson, Hal Anderson, Elijah Borthwick, Gideon Borthwick, Vivienne Borthwick, Annabell Boyd, Gwendolyn Boyd, Olivia Boyd, Rosalie Boyd, Savina Boyd, Gabriel Burke, Marie Johnson, MaryRose Johnson, Max Johnson, Dominic Mattus, John Mattus, Claire Milone, James Rose, Jayce Rose, Jesse Rose, Joshua Rose, Genevieve Bollinger-Salinas, Tiago Bollinger-Salinas
North Indianapolis, IN Chapter
Luke Sifuentes (13), Cyprian Lehner (12), Benjamin Woods (12), Victoria Sifuentes (11), Jeremiah Woods (11), Dean Bedwell (10), Hailey Huseman (10), Elza Leazier (10), Grant Bedwell (9), Mercy Lehner (9), Gloria Huseman (8), Peter Sfuentes (8), MerciReine Leazier (7), Natalie Siruentes (6)
South Indianapolis, IN Chapter
Karson Knust (11), Karter Knust (11), Thomas Rea (10), Faye Hackert (10), Nathaniel Hanley (10), Rebekah C. (9), Edith Hodgins (9), Kenna Knust (9), Luke Schoening (9), Ruth B. (8), Andrew Chamblee (8), Jozef Dlugosz (8), Eve Hackert (8), Joel Nantz (8), Max V. (8), Vera V. (8), Gabe Warren (8), Joseph B. (7), Jonathan Hanley (7), Kessa Knust (7), Peter Warren (7), Andrew Wilmering (7), Charlotte Rea (6), Clare Davis (5), Theo Hodgins (5), John Paul Nantz (5), Sam Warren (5), Annemarie Wilmering (5), Michael Rea (4)
Topeka, KS Chapter
Grace Bless (12), Philomena Davis (12), Tessa Johnson (11)
Eunice, LA Chapter
Levi Humble (8)
Houma, LA Chapter
Quinn Pellegrin (13), Victoria Cheramie (11), Emmy Authement (10), Everett Bourgeois (9), Kymber Pellegrin (9), Eloise Becnel (8), Alice Becnel (5)
Lafayette, LA Chapter
Abigail, Bryce Arnold, Brynne Arnold, Grace Bergeaux, Lucy Bergeaux, Jacob Claudet, Katelyn Claudet, Dallas Delaune, Vincent Delaune, Estelle Deshotels, Vivian Deshotels, Savannah Epperly, Ella Faulk, Lila Faulk, Alex Fontenot, Araceli Fontenot, Camila Fontenot, Kennedy Fontenot, Peter Fontenot, Timothy Fontenot, Celine Gulotta, Daniel Gulotta, Emily Gulotta, Julianna Hebert, Eli Kurtz, Emmi Kurtz, Luke Kurtz, Valerie Kurtz, Grace Murphy, Carter Richard, Oliver Richard, Tucker Richard, Bonnie Songne’, Joseph Songne’
Pierre Part, LA Chapter
Pippa Cornett (15), Roux Cornett (11), Gracely Savoy (10), GemmaRose Cornett (6)
Harford County, MD Chapter
Aiden Adamski (10), Joseph Santopietro (10), Emiliana Weiner (9), Evelyn Adamski (8), Patrick Gilligan (8)
Lincoln 1, NE Chapter
Owen Hams (15), Amber Schropfer (13), Ira Murray (10), Lenora Westmore (10), Sarah Schropfer (10), Dominic Siegel (9), Cora Hams (8), Miriam Westmore (8), Augustine Power (8), Zelie Siegel (7), Lucy Schropfer (6), Simon Westmore (6)
Lincoln 2, NE Chapter
John Bassinger, Eleanor Burton, Emelia Burton, Lucy Burton, Lucy Haschke, Clara Hines, JohnMark Hines, Vivienne Jaros, Margaret Kane, Theodore Kane, Dominic Litt, Elsie Litt, Isabelle McMichen, William McMichen
Omaha, NE Chapter
Marcos Methe, Matthew Methe, Catharine Thompson, Theresa Thompson
Dublin, OH Chapter
Jack Wise (15), Hannah Andrew (12), Maeve Wise (11), Ambrose Possley (10)
Lancaster, OH Chapter
Libby Chenault (16), Jobe Diller (9), Abraham Diller (7)
Lancaster, PA Chapter
Owen Grossman (11), Jon Weitzel (11), Patrick Milton (9), Alexander Schober (9)
Knoxville, TN Chapter
Evelyn Doody, Wyatt Doody, Brendan Dunn, Julianna Dunn, Peter Dunn, Samuel Dunn, Grace Gholston, Dominic Gouge, Joanna Klinzing, Jude Kustra, Kennedy Metz, JonJon Quint, Vienna Quint
Houston South, TX Chapter
Josephine A., Genevieve C., Cecilia D., Lori D., Maria D., Blaise P., Sofia P., Mary Kate S., Natalie S., Milan Z.
Tyler, TX Chapter
Alexandria C., Adam M., Matthew M., Siena P., Fiona R.
Richmond, VA Chapter
Dominic Bevc (11), Mikko Liimatta (11), Declan Bika (10), Marie Lunardi (10), Amelie McGrath (10), Sal Nuara (10), Jacob Snider (10), Lily Waring (10), Maisie Liimatta (9), Gianna Sesny (9), Maria Bevc (8), James Lunardi (8), Max Nuara (8), Grace Snider (8), Kateri Bika (7), Eli Fisher (7), Finn Liimatta (7), Theo Nuara (7), Max Sesny (7), Rita O’Meara (6), Claire Snider (6), Monica Bevc (5), Isabel Bika (5), Hannah Chapman (5), Joseph Sesny (5), Lucy Snider (5)
Burlington, VT Chapter
Ethan Quizon (12), Ava Marie Quizon (8), Ellorah Quizon (7), Asher Reed (5)
Puyallup, WA Chapter
Liam Armstrong, Luke Armstrong, Genesis Hernandez, Max Hernandez, Jackson Landry, Violet Landry, Whitney Landry, Christopher M., Michael M., Azariah Payne, Kierian Payne, Ruari Payne, Tristan Payne, Dawn Pyant, Jane Pyant, William Pyant, Gianna Vandehey, Joseph Vandehey, Mari Zante, Veronica Zante
Seattle, WA Chapter
Nicholas Bigsby, Carter Dwyer-Brown, Gabe Dwyer-Brown, Iyonna Dwyer-Brown, Leona Dwyer-Brown, Tori Dwyer-Brown, Bridget Connolly, James Connolly, Lucy Connolly, Serina Duncan, Andrés Laguna, María Laguna, Harlowe Martinez, Jeremiah Phillips, Lúcia Phillips, Auxilia Arguello-Pohle, Boone Pohle, Anthony Villanti, Dominic Villanti, Gianna Villanti, Logan Yu
Oconomowoc, WI Chapter
Josephine Boisvenue, Simon Boisvenue, Emma Van Gemert, James Van Gemert
Wausau, WI Chapter
Avila Faufau (10), Zelie Faufau (8)
West Bend, WI Chapter
Bob Surprenant (14), Mary Surprenant (12), Rosemary Petrie (6), Dorothy Petrie (4)
Lander, WY Chapter
James Hill (9), Socorra Lasnoski (9)
Scholars are also recognized for work in one of the following three areas.
When shown an image of a saint from the Tour Guide, the scholar states the name of the saint and two facts about the saint. Congratulations to our Transcendent Treasures!
Ave Maria, FL Chapter
Bernard Lenotre
West Orlando, FL Chapter
Sophia Spivey (8)
North Indianapolis, IN Chapter
Marian Leazier (9), Silas Leazier (4)
Topeka, KS Chapter
Eliza Calcutt (11), Edith O’Neill (11)
Eunice, LA Chapter
Eli LeBlanc, Henry LeBlanc, Lucy LeBlanc
Lafayette, LA Chapter
Amelia, Domingue, Michael Gulotta, Michael M., Sophia M., Theo Murphy, Scarlett, Cecile Songne’
Harford County, MD Chapter
Adelaide Weiner (8), Cordelia Santopietro (6), Eleanor Weiner (6)
Lincoln 1, NE Chapter
Rachel Schropfer (9), Finnian Westmore (5)
Lincoln 2, NE Chapter
Lily Bassinger, Elijah LeBlanc, Xavier LeBlanc, Andrew McMichen
Lancaster, OH Chapter
Becket Hahn (7), Bella Hahn (9)
Richmond, VA Chapter
Annie Waring (9), Mary Kate Waring (5)
Burlington, VT Chapter
Clayton Reed (4)
Puyallup, WA Chapter
Patrick Vandehey
Seattle, WA Chapter
Edison Chan, Katarina Emanzi, Asher Martinez
Oconomowoc, WI Chapter
Peter Garcia
Wausau, WI Chapter
Lily Faufau (4)
When listening to a piece of music from the Tour Guide, the scholar states the instrument or composer.
Congratulations to our Jazzy Jewels!
West Orlando, FL Chapter
Sophia Spivey (8), Ethan Spivey (7), Alyna Cianchetta (5), Joseph Danner (5)
Topeka, KS Chapter
Eliza Calcutt (11), Clare Lamison (11), Edith O’Neill (11)
Eunice, LA Chapter
Eli LeBlanc, Henry LeBlanc, Lucy LeBlanc, Levi Tauzin
Lafayette, LA Chapter
Asher Epperly, Michael Gulotta, Catherine P.
Harford County, MD Chapter
Cordelia Santopietro (6)
Lincoln, NE Chapter
Clara Murray (7), Ira Murray (9)
Lincoln 2, NE Chapter
Elijah LeBlanc, Xavier LeBlanc
Omaha, NE Chapter
Grace Tacke, Theo Tacke
Lancaster, OH Chapter
Becket Hahn (7), Bella Hahn (9)
Lancaster, PA Chapter
Evan Grossman (8)
Houston South, TX Chapter
Linus P., Lucas P.
Tyler, TX Chapter
Nicholas C., Tatiana C.
Richmond, VA Chapter
Annie Waring (9), Mary Kate Waring (5)
Burlington, VT Chapter
Clayton Reed (4)
Oconomowoc, WI Chapter
Leo Boisvenue, Isla Flynn, Meara Flynn, Joey Stempien, George Von Rueden
When shown one of eight featured works of art, the scholar states the title of the piece and the name of the artist.
Congratulations to our Competent Craftsman!
Ave Maria, FL Chapter
Bernard Lenotre
North Indianapolis, IN Chapter
Marian Leazier (9)
Lafayette, LA Chapter
Cecile Songne’
Lincoln 1, NE Chapter
Myles Jefferson (12), Oliver Zatloukal (12), Rachel Schropfer (9), Finnian Westmore (5)
Lancaster, PA Chapter
Josephine Weitzel (9)
Puyallup, WA Chapter
Patrick Vandehey
Seattle, WA Chapter
Edison Chan, Asher Martinez
Oconomowoc, WI Chapter
Meara Flynn, Raphael Kurz
Chi Rho Academy
Truth, Goodness and Beauty
Jakob Napiorkowski, George Wilson
CONGRATULATIONS to our Catholic Schoolhouse Truth, Goodness, and Beauty Award Winners!
Check out all the Super Scholar Award Winners.
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