Tour 1 Quarter 1: Hand Motions Videos Access Code


Purchase access to Hand Motion Videos for Tour 1 Quarter 1.

This purchase gives you access to Catholic Schoolhouse Hand Motion Video Tour 1 Quarter 1.

To view the videos, you need the access code. With this purchase, you will receive an email with a link to a PDF. That file has the webpage and password, and you will be able to print the PDF for future reference. The code can be used as many times as you need, but it is reserved for use only in your home, not to be shared with others.  Your support allows us to continue to develop products such as this for your family.

This is a DEMO of sample videos you would have access to.  Please note these are just snippets of what you would see on the page you will have access to.  This demo contains mixed years and is not representative of just Tour 1.

A very special thank you to the families who contributed to this project.



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