Tour 1 Quarter 4: Copywork and Dictation – Science Printables


Catholic Schoolhouse Tour 1 Quarter 4: Weeks 19-24 SCIENCE Copywork & Dictation Printables (56 pp.)

Downloadable PDF

This is a downloadable PDF containing 56 pages of copywork and dictation with a title page, open-ended notebooking page and breaks between copywork levels. Catholic Schoolhouse Tour 1 Quarter 4: Weeks 19-24 of SCIENCE are written out in these ways:

  • Dictation page/ Memory work sign
  • Primary dotted print
  • Intermediate dotted print
  • Dotted cursive
  • Print –copying on blank lines
  • Cursive—copying on blank lines
  • Primary blank handwriting lines
  • Intermediate blank handwriting lines

Upon purchase of this document, you will be sent an email with a link to download the file.  Please open and SAVE the file to your computer.  Your link will expire after 5 download attempts.


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