Mid-Atlantic States Lapbook Part 2

Mid-Atlantic States Lapbook Part 2

I bet your students already have the Mid-Atlantic States capitals memorized.  Do they?  Have a quick quiz before adding these fun features.  Make your students get all the correct capitals and abbreviations before letting them cut out these fun features!

Print the Mid-Atlantic state features flip pages  2 sided (flip along the LONG side of the paper).

Mid-Atlantic State Features – Week 10 Printable

Cut out along the outside of each flip book, and fold on the solid lines.  The mountain range is a tri-fold, so fold on the two solid lines making sure the mountain range name is on the outside.  The Finger Lakes flip-feature was made to look like a hand (so you can remember the fingers part of the Finger Lakes!) Cut in between each finger.  Fold the ‘thumb’ down and then the four fingers over the thumb (sort of a paper fist now).


Glue these into the lapbook middle section around your Mid-atlantic states map.  They can go in any place or order you want.  You can see below how I did it.

Mid-atlantic States Lapbook

Have fun reading the fun facts about each feature and looking at the pictures!


Mid-atlantic states lapbook

Print the cover for your lapbook:

Mid-Atlantic States Lapbook Cover

Glue it to the front of the two side flaps.  (I glue the page to one side, then use the edge of the file folder as a guide to cut on).

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(Ok so I cheated and copied the directions and some pictures from the Southeast states lapbook post for this part.  If you’ve been with me all year, you may already know how to make your lapbook 3-ring binder ready though)

Then to make it fit into your Geography 3 ring binder, use some packing tape.  Run the packing tape down the outside of the left side of the Lapbook.  Fold it over onto itself, so that about 1/2 of tape is sticking to itself, and the rest to the lapbook.  Hole punch through the tape and store in your binder!

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Alternatively, Walmart and Target are selling fun duct tape.  If you want to give it a little more personality you can use whatever crazy duct tape you like.  We went with some alien duct tape- which has nothing to do with Geography, but still adds some fun to the project.

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Yay! Lapbook 2 in our US Geography Lapbook series is complete!  Use your laminated map to label the states, capitals, and draw where the features are!  Test yourself and your students by folding the sides backwards and labeling your map.  Have fun learning about the Finger Lakes on a hand shaped flip page! Keep it safe in your 3-ring Geography Binder!

Be sure to come back next week when we will start our third, yes THIRD, geography lapbook!  (Is it just me or do these become cooler the more of them there are?)

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