Art Recognition
While the art projects that kids in Catholic Schoolhouse create are typically related to a featured artist, sometimes it takes practice to remember the name of the artist and the featured art. We began using these flashcards in class to aid in memorization. The kids are doing amazingly well! If you’d like to practice too, please feel free to print your own cards from this link: Print Art Flash CardsPage 1and Page 2 Using cardstock really helps in durability.
Some ideas for learning these works of art are to have your child show the appropriate work of art when you: name the work of art, name the artist, describe the work of art, or describe the artist. For example, we featured Audubon’s work “Passenger Pigeons.” Asking your child to hold up the work of art painted by a naturalist or by someone who loves birds helps him to learn more than simply stating Audubon’s name.
A great extension for this activity is to create your own cards that include a variety of works by an artist. Back to Audubon, you could print (or purchase postcards on-line or from an art museum) more of his works and have the child group them by artist and notice similarities. Even finding a library book that tells the artist’s story can give your child more information that is both fun to learn and share with others.
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