Catholic Schoolhouse Animals Lapbook Part 3
What did your kids think of the reptile and amphibian sorting? I hope the sorting activity spurred some fun conversations about cool animals! This week we will add some interesting Fish Facts to our lapbooks.
Review the science memory work for this week:
“Fish are cold-blooded vertebrates. They breathe through gills; most lay eggs.
There are over twenty thousand species of them.”
Listen to the song!
(All the music we preview here on the blog is on the Year 1 CDs. If you are interested in more songs like this visit the CSH Store)
Print the Fish Facts Lapbook Printable (be sure to print 2 sided!)
Cut out the “Fish Facts” rectangle and color the ocean blue. (Alternatively you could use the ocean in the printout as a template and cut your ocean out of blue construction paper!)
Then cut out the ‘hidden answers’ sheet. You can either cut around each fish answer (as shown in the picture below) or if your students are not ready for that level of scissor use, you can just cut a big rectangle around the fish. Then cut on the solid lines between the rectangles- be sure NOT to cut all the way through.
Now glue the ‘Fish Facts’ ocean part into your lapbook (top left- as shown below). Then glue the hidden answers on top of the ocean. Fold the rectangles over the fish. (See picture below!)
Have fun reading the beginning of the sentence on the front of the rectangle and completing it by opening the flap. Make sure you explain to your students that ‘cold-blooded’ does not mean their blood is cold! It means that fish do not create their own body heat internally. Fish internal temperature can vary! Their body temperature depends on their surroundings (for fish this would be whether the water is warm or cold or if other creatures are nearby). This is why the picture next to ‘cold-blooded’ is a thermometer and an ocean- their surroundings. You can take this opportunity to discuss how our own temperature does NOT vary- Humans are consistently 98.6 degrees F (plus or minus a few tenths of a degree). When our body temperature varies, such as running a fever, we do NOT feel very well.
I hope your lapbook is coming together well and that your kids are enjoying their mammals flipbook, and the reptiles and amphibians sorting! This week they can have fun reading about their ‘Fish Facts!’ Make sure you come back next week when we will add a “Pop-Up Talking Bird” to go with our week on birds.
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