Middle East Lap Book
I’m continuing the geography lapbook series with one on the Middle Eastern Countries! This Lapbook will last you from Week 13-Week 17, and is filled in enough to make it easy, but has enough blanks for you to adapt to your student’s age/level. You’ll find each country’s flag and capital, and then some blank space so your students can write their own interesting facts about the country. Here’s a picture of the completed lapbook.
Again, you can decide how to best use the lapbook for your own homeschooling. You can print a little every week along the way, or print it all now and have it ready for each week when you start your geography lesson! You can do the whole lapbook in one sitting and fill in extra details as you teach each country, or you can do each area of the Middle East as you come to it in the Tour Guide schedule.
Just a note about this lapbook. As you probably know, much of the Middle East is in civil unrest, wars, and the like. I’ve used the most current (as far as I can tell) and ‘official’ flags for each country, but be aware that several flag designs exist for some countries. If you want, you could even have your students look into the different flags used and add them to the lapbook by drawing them in.
Ok lets get to the lapbook!
First things first, download and save the file:
Middle East Asia Minor Lapbook
The instructions are included in the download, but I also have included them in this post.
A Note about the Lapbooks in general:Â
Lapbooks can be a fun and interactive way for students to learn- lots of teachers both in and out of the school system are using them these days. And they are a fun way to review material you’ve already covered. Don’t feel pressured to make your lapbook look exactly like the pictures. The most important thing is that your students are learning and having fun! If they want to put pieces in different places, color it differently or make their own additions, go for it! Lastly, if you have several students at home, you can either let them each make their own (if they can cut and glue by themselves) OR you can make one lapbook as a family.
Instructions for assembling your Europe Lapbook:
Supplies needed:
- File folder
- paper and/or cardstock
- scissors
- gluestick or glue dots or two sided tape
- stapler
Most items are fine if printed on regular paper, however you can print on cardstock for added durability if desired.
Print the cover and the map (pgs 5-6) one sided.
Print the Arabian Peninsula foldable (pgs 7-8) two-sided (flip on the long side of the paper).
Print the Persian Gulf foldable (pages 9-10 ) two sided (flip on the long side of the paper).
Print the Anatolia and Middle East booklet (pg 11-12) two sided (flip on the long side of the paper).
Print the Middle East flipbook (pages 13-14 ) two sided (flip on the long side of the paper).
Print the Middle East Features foldables (pgs 15-18) two sided (flip on the long side of the paper).
Form your lapbook by opening your file folder and then folding the sides in toward the middle.
Open your lapbook and gluestick/gluedot/tape your map to the middle center of the lapbook. You can laminate the map, or use contact paper so that it can be used with a dry erase marker for labeling, drawing in rivers, mountain ranges or various other activities. Or you can have your student just label and color the map.
Open your lapbook and gluestick/gluedot/tape your map to the middle center of the lapbook. You can laminate the map, or use contact paper so that it can be used with a dry erase marker for labeling, drawing in rivers, mountain ranges or various other activities. Or you can have your student just label and color the map.
Week 13 and other area Features
Cut out the Middle Eastern Features and fold. The foldable with the Caspian, Black and Red seas is a tri-fold. The Caucasus Mountains and River folds inward– the triangle downward over the other triangle, and the rectangle upward over the other rectangle. The rest just fold in half along the line of symmetry. See picture below for clarification.
Arrange the Middle Eastern Features on the lapbook as shown.
Week 14 Persian Gulf
Cut out around the Persian Gulf Foldable. Cut slits where the black lines go between the country names.
Fold into thirds, by first folding down the country names over the flags, then folding the region name up over the country names. Glue or tape to the bottom center of the lapbook.
Week 15 Arabian Peninsula
Cut out around the Arabian Peninsula Foldable. Cut slits where the black lines go between the country names. Fold into thirds similarly to the Persian Gulf Printable. Glue or tape to the top center of the Lapbook.
Week 15 Anatolia and Middle East
Cut out the Anatolia and Middle East Book pages, making sure not to cut down the center fold of the flap book (do not cut on the dotted line).
Stack them such that the title is on the front and they look like the pictures below.
Staple in the middle (on the dotted line), then fold in half.
Glue or tape to the bottom right hand inside flap of the lapbook, as shown.
Week 17 Middle East
Cut out the Middle East Countries booklet. making sure not to cut down the center fold of the flap book (do not cut on the dotted line).
Stack them such that the title is on the front, the dotted lines are all aligned (one on top of another) and they look like the pictures below. Staple in the middle (on the dotted line), then fold in half.
Glue the Middle East booklet into the top right inside flap. Your Middle East Lapbook is complete!
Add your own information to the map and to the booklets to personalize it. Laminate the map in the middle to use it over and over again. Your students can quiz themselves on labeling the countries and bodies of water, or they can draw in the capitals, landmarks or other interesting features.
Thanks for being here!
My daughter and I enjoy making the lap books. Thanks for all the time you put into planning them .
Thank you!!
Thank you so very much for this lapbook! This is very well made, and I appreciate your hard work and then sharing it with us 🙂
Thanks! I’m glad you like it! 🙂
Thank you for doing these, Kristen! As a grammar geek, I just wanted to point out that on page 15, in the Red Sea section, “boarders” should be “borders.” On page 17, in the Persian Gulf section, “has led” should be “have led.”
Thank you again for all of these amazing resources! It is SUCH a blessing to us!
Thank you Katie! I’ll update the file as soon as I can!
Sorry this took me so long to get to! I’ve fixed both the boarder -> border and ‘has led’ to ‘have led.’ Thank you for the corrections!