FREE! Try Catholic Homeschool for your Family

FREE! Try Catholic Homeschool for your Family

Are you “homeschooling” for the first time and feeling a little lost and out of place?

Is your schoolwork dry and disjointed?

Wishing you had something to enhance the solid math and language materials your school is sending home?

Jump in with us with a free copy of Catholic Schoolhouse Quarter 4 resources from Tour III–our gift to you as we all get through the coronavirus changes together!

History–Integrating around a Time Period

The Catholic Schoolhouse history program includes a complete timeline from a Catholic world view, divided over three years. Images used in the Timeline Cards are famous reproductions–chosen so that your children will see them again and again in their studies.

The timeline is the backbone of our integrated Catholic Schoolhouse program. The art we do, musicians we listen to, and saints we encounter in Catholic homeschooling all spring from the timeline. Your family will experience how history, culture, and the arts intersect.

Download Now – Free Sample – Tour III Quarter 4 Timeline Cards

Your Family — Together

Catholic Schoolhouse believes in family unity! All students can learn together in your Catholic homeschool. Yes, it works! All ages study the same topics, which you customize for the ages and interests of your children.

In the one-room schoolhouse, multiple ages learn side-by-side. One wise teacher said, “What I teach to my students around the table is the same. What I expect back from them depends on their age and ability.”

How is this possible? I’m not a teacher!

Yes, you are! From the day your child was born, you have been teaching. “Parents are the first and foremost educators of their children.”

OK, maybe first, but foremost? Yes,

The right and duty of parents to give education is essential, since it is connected with the transmission of human life; it is original and primary with regard to the educational role of others, on account of the uniqueness of the loving relationship between parents and children; and it is irreplaceable and inalienable, and therefore incapable of being entirely
delegated to others or usurped by others.

John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio #36

Catholic Schoolhouse is here to help! Not to replace you with endless worksheets and instructions, but to help you become a teacher of our own beautiful children, your style, your beauty!

Where do I begin?

Choose the week you wish to study; begin with Week 19, the beginning of Tour II Quarter 4 free sample or jump in with your friends at any week.

For a gentle start, simply look at the History Timeline Cards

Download the free Q4 sample, then look around your library to see if you have books that relate to any timeline topic. Choose one read-aloud for the family or an age-appropriate book for each child. The CSH blog will give you ideas each week for fun activities and books to purchase or find at the library (when they reopen) Remember, CSH includes all the core subjects, so don’t get overwhelmed, right now, you are just focusing on history.

Listen to the Timeline Song

The classical method is less about giving your student assignments and more about the conversation. Talk about the song. Together. Yes, all your children, all ages together. Did they hear anything in the song they recognized? Can they find pictures from the timeline cards that match things in the song?

Use the backs of the history cards (the alternating text in the free sample pdf file) to scan for information and conversation starters. These “cheat sheets” will remind you what is significant about each event so you can shine!

Want to go deeper?

Research one of the timeline items–either together or select a card for each child for an independent research opportunity. Yes, that out of date set of encyclopedias is invaluable now, as history generally doesn’t change! {Side note–humanities view of history does change, and the internet is rife with revisionist and politicized history, so be careful.}

How should they present their research?

Your options are many! And all are invaluable skills to learn along side the content.

  • School reports (writing practice),
  • Slide shows (learn some technology)
  • Oral presentations (builds confidence, dinner-time demonstrations)
  • COVID got you silly? Dress up and present in costume, or recreate one of the historical scenes from the cards.

Now you’ve gotten your feet wet with the unity of family learning.

Does the joy of learning together have you hungry for more?

Catholic Schoolhouse Art free sample contains coordinated art projects integrated with the study of history. Detailed instructions will bring peace to anyone who wasn’t quite ready for the freedom of studying the history timeline.

Catholic Schoolhouse Science free sample branches out from history to give you a small taste of our science program. Tour III Quarter 4 is especially suited to the COVID-19 at home period, as it explores health and nutrition while students get their bodies moving.

Catholic Schoolhouse Tour Guides combine memory work from 10 subjects into one easy-to-use guide. Build your school around a common set of topics for a beautiful one-room schoolhouse.

Saints, too! To bring our study of Catholic History alive, Catholic Schoolhouse has chosen saints for each quarter–you guessed it, from the time period being studied!

St. Maximilian Kolbe – Tour III, Quarter 4A Featured Saint
Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

And now, relax, while becoming familiar with a classic piece of music, composed during this time period.

Tour III Q4 Catholic Schoolhouse Featured Classical Music – “Theme form 2001: A Space odyssey” composed by Richard Strauss.

. . . and much more are integrated with the timeline–and accessible for all ages allowing you to seize the opportunity to join your Catholic Schoolhouse friends, whether just for this quarter or all next year, to create your own, truly unified one-room schoolhouse!

Wondering why classical memory work? How do I approach a family-centered classical education? Learn more by reading the posts below.

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